Sex Activity - Board Game


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Libérer 1.0.0
Evaluation 3
Catégorie Planche
Nom du paquet com.steevapps.sexactivity
Installations 100+

À propos de Sex Activity - Board Game

The Sex Activity is a simple BoardGame

If you liked the Activity board game when you was child you will also like this game which made for better sensual and sexuality experiences!

You can read here the opportunities of game.

This board game is very funny and addictive!
You after the setup Sex Activity - Board Game, can try it for free with some ads!

But we try also give you more experiences and you can buy the full version less than the Activity games!

If you can do this, we offer you that sing up and allow the marketing offers, because we try make promotions for our honest users!


Game rules
The first and most important thing to be in the game is to be patient and watch the signals that the app will send to you!
The game is played as follows:

1. First choose up to 4 (in case of a trial game 2) team and team name.

2. In the following, select how long a team should have to perform a task, and then select the number of laps you want to play for TEAM.

The DOUBLE OPEN on the left side of the screen loads the previously used team names, while the KUKA at the far right empties the surface.

4. Click on the GAME button and load the game display.
5. First, the first team to spin, clicking the SPIN button!

(Click the SPIN button again if You do not drop a job at the first stop on the wheel!)
The player and the task type are then spin, which can be.
SHOW (HAND ICON): Show the term, word, synonyms by the the spinning player.
DESCRIBE (MOUTH ICON): You must describe, word, and synonyms.
DRAWING (PENCIL IKON): You must draw the term, word, and synonym.
Bonus (CHEST ICON): The spinning player can decide to describe, draw, or show!

6. Then the task view is displayed on the screen. Here you can see the TASK DISPLAY button, which is to be read only by someone who will define, point, draw, or as a bonus, which one is the one of the first three.

7. a, After learning the job, press the START button to start the PAUSE button to pause the set timer.

7. b, The RUN button is available for the last 30 seconds during a task, if any team knows the solution, CLICK THE RUN, then select which team is the one to score, then the game will continue the next spin !

8. a. During the assignment, if no robbery is made and before the expiration of the time you have attempted to guess the task, click on the KITALIZED button and you get the point for the task.

8. b. During the task if no robbery is made and before the expiration of the time you have NOT been able to guess the task, then click on the NOT OFF button and no one will get the point for the task.

9. The game will continue until you have reached the number of circles you have selected. A small message appears at the bottom of the screen, which returns 3, at the end of the timer the application prints out.

10. After the winner celebration, if you want the teams can come up with another ACTIVITY or you can return to the main menu.

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Google Play
Sex Activity - Board Game n'est pas disponible sur Play Store actuellement, vous pouvez télécharger l'APK directement sur cette page

FAQ APK Sex Activity - Board Game

Sex Activity - Board Game est-il sans danger pour mon appareil ?

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Oui, Sex Activity - Board Game suit les directives de contenu de Google Play pour garantir une utilisation sûre sur votre appareil Android.

Qu'est-ce qu'un fichier XAPK et que dois-je faire si le fichier Sex Activity - Board Game que j'ai téléchargé est un fichier XAPK ?

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XAPK est un format d'extension de fichier qui comprend à la fois un fichier APK autonome et d'autres fichiers de données (tels que des fichiers de ressources supplémentaires dans de grands jeux). Le but d'un fichier XAPK est de permettre de stocker séparément les données d'une application avant l'installation, afin de gérer et de transférer plus efficacement de grandes applications. XAPK peut contribuer à réduire la taille du package d'installation initial d'une application. Sur un téléphone, l'utilisateur doit généralement d'abord installer une application d'installation XAPK, puis installer le fichier XAPK via cette application. Vous pouvez trouver l'application spécifique à Sur un ordinateur, il suffit de faire glisser le fichier dans le LDPlayer émulateur Android.

Puis-je jouer à Sex Activity - Board Game sur mon ordinateur ?

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Oui, vous pouvez jouer à Sex Activity - Board Game sur votre ordinateur en installant un émulateur Android - LDPlayer. Après avoir installé LDPlayer, faites simplement glisser et déposez le fichier APK téléchargé dans l'émulateur pour commencer à jouer à Sex Activity - Board Game sur PC. Vous pouvez également ouvrir l'émulateur, rechercher le jeu ou l'application auquel vous souhaitez jouer dans le Play Store intégré à LDPlayer et l'installer à partir de là.

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