Horse Village - Wildshade

Build and expand your village, harvest and let your horse win the battle.
Tivola Games GmbH

Télécharger Horse Village - Wildshade APK

Libérer 8.1
mettre à jour 2023-10-20
Catégorie Stratégie
Nom du paquet
Installations 5+

À propos de Horse Village - Wildshade

Welcome to the world of Horse Village - Wildshade!

Embark on an epic adventure, build your own village, defeat enemies by racing with your horses, complete various exciting quests and reach Maneland with Vali and Ainur!
Your village consists of many houses, all of which must be built and maintained. You can modernize farms, stables, townhouses and many more according to your taste. You can also move all the buildings around and decide for yourself where the houses in your village should be best placed.
The Nightmane herd lurks at the gates of your village. Repel the herd with your horse. Choose your villager who has the right strength to defeat the herd. Each villager must train so that he does not lose his strength and can put the enemy herds to flight.
Collect wood, stone, wheat and many other resources for you and your village. Go to Maneland and build another village there.
Complete the many tasks that Vali and his friends will challenge you with and they will reward you handsomely
Complete all quests and make the unicorns invincible. So you can quickly win the races against the Nightmanes.

- Lots of different buildings to upgrade
- Diverse characters that have diverse characteristics
- Horses defending the village
- Unicorns that are invincible
- Trade goods, such as straw, stones and wood, which are transported by ship
- Put the enemy horses to flight by running

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Télécharger APK pour Android
Horse Village - Wildshade APK n’est actuellement pas disponible, veuillez vous rendre sur Play Store pour le télécharger.
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2. Téléchargez Horse Village - Wildshade depuis le Play Store
3. Jouez et profitez de Horse Village - Wildshade

Avis sur Horse Village - Wildshade pour Android

I like the premise of the game a lot. But I've had a lot of glitches. It doesn't save properly, it glitches when fighting the nightmanes to the point you have to fully close the app, and then redo all of the work you have done since the last save. The game also take a long time to load to the point it's frustrating. Getting anywhere on the game is almost impossible with all of these problems. Support has been non-responsive to these problems. The game is not worth the time.
It's a good game, good graphics. Only let down is there is no encyclopedia or notes on where to find specific items and its not visible where every item is able to be collected from, making it really hard to complete some missions as I'm now stuck because I cannot find them. Also really bad connection issues for the game, once you lose connection once, you have to completely close the app and reload the app entirely to be able to play again.
I love this game. But I've been having this issue of it constantly saying refresh every time I play. Then I have to close the game and then reopen it. My internet is completely fine, by the way. So I don't know what's wrong with the game at the moment. Especially with this issue I'm still having since I've started playing. Please fix this asap.

FAQ APK Horse Village - Wildshade

Horse Village - Wildshade est-il sans danger pour mon appareil ?

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Oui, Horse Village - Wildshade suit les directives de contenu de Google Play pour garantir une utilisation sûre sur votre appareil Android.

Qu'est-ce qu'un fichier XAPK et que dois-je faire si le fichier Horse Village - Wildshade que j'ai téléchargé est un fichier XAPK ?

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XAPK est un format d'extension de fichier qui comprend à la fois un fichier APK autonome et d'autres fichiers de données (tels que des fichiers de ressources supplémentaires dans de grands jeux). Le but d'un fichier XAPK est de permettre de stocker séparément les données d'une application avant l'installation, afin de gérer et de transférer plus efficacement de grandes applications. XAPK peut contribuer à réduire la taille du package d'installation initial d'une application. Sur un téléphone, l'utilisateur doit généralement d'abord installer une application d'installation XAPK, puis installer le fichier XAPK via cette application. Vous pouvez trouver l'application spécifique à Sur un ordinateur, il suffit de faire glisser le fichier dans le LDPlayer émulateur Android.

Puis-je jouer à Horse Village - Wildshade sur mon ordinateur ?

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Oui, vous pouvez jouer à Horse Village - Wildshade sur votre ordinateur en installant un émulateur Android - LDPlayer. Après avoir installé LDPlayer, faites simplement glisser et déposez le fichier APK téléchargé dans l'émulateur pour commencer à jouer à Horse Village - Wildshade sur PC. Vous pouvez également ouvrir l'émulateur, rechercher le jeu ou l'application auquel vous souhaitez jouer dans le Play Store intégré à LDPlayer et l'installer à partir de là.

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