Balligh - Penjadwalan Khutbah

Sermon and Lecture Scheduling Management Application
Darul Izzah Nusantara

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Libérer 5.1
mettre à jour 2023-11-08
Catégorie Productivité
Nom du paquet com.exomatik.balligh.balligh
Installations 5+

À propos de Balligh - Penjadwalan Khutbah

Balligh is our best offering for the da'wah mujahids as well as a step to take part in the mission propagation in the archipelago. Balligh will make it easier for you to bring together mosque officials, preachers, and missionary organizations in one network to facilitate the tasks of preparing and controlling sermon schedules and other lectures. So that it is hoped that the da'wah activity can run effectively in the community. Balligh uses your phone's Internet connection (4G / 3G / 2G / EDGE or Wi-Fi, if available) and allows you to send messages to each other without leaving the application.



(1) You will easily control the schedule of sermons and other lectures in a scheduling system;
(2) After your schedule is set and later you are unable to fulfill it, there is a "search for naib" feature that allows you to find Naib with one click so that you don't have to worry about your congregation;
(3) You can send / receive affiliate requests from / to one or several missionary institutions. After being affiliated with a missionary institution, he will help you arrange sermon and other lecture schedules to the various built mosques.
(4) Enjoy private chats and group chats with your contacts so you can easily connect with other preachers, mosque administrators, and missionary institutions;
(5) If you are going to a mosque for the first time and you don't know the address, you will be guided using a map from where you are going to the mosque without worrying about being wrong.


(1) You will easily arrange, arrange, distribute, and control the schedule of sermons and other lectures for your mosque and preachers through the application;
(2) You can send / receive affiliation requests from / to several of your preachers and mosque members. After you are affiliated with them, you can start to set up a schedule for them. The schedule that you create will automatically be synchronized with the schedule of the preachers and your built mosque;
(3) Enjoy private chats and group chats with your contacts so that you can easily connect with other missionary institutions, mosque administrators, and preachers.


(1) You will easily control the schedule of sermons and other lectures in your mosque in a scheduling system, you will easily communicate with the preachers;
(2) If a preacher has been scheduled at your mosque and the Muballigh will not be able to attend later, you do not need to worry because the Muballigh is responsible for finding the Naib, and your mosque schedule is renewed as soon as he finds a miracle;
(3) You can send / receive affiliate requests from / to one or several missionary institutions. After being affiliated with a missionary institution, he will help you arrange sermons and other lecture schedules with his preachers;
(4) Enjoy private chats and group chats with your contacts so you can easily connect with fellow mosque administrators, preachers, and missionary institutions.

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FAQ APK Balligh - Penjadwalan Khutbah

Balligh - Penjadwalan Khutbah est-il sans danger pour mon appareil ?

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Oui, Balligh - Penjadwalan Khutbah suit les directives de contenu de Google Play pour garantir une utilisation sûre sur votre appareil Android.

Qu'est-ce qu'un fichier XAPK et que dois-je faire si le fichier Balligh - Penjadwalan Khutbah que j'ai téléchargé est un fichier XAPK ?

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XAPK est un format d'extension de fichier qui comprend à la fois un fichier APK autonome et d'autres fichiers de données (tels que des fichiers de ressources supplémentaires dans de grands jeux). Le but d'un fichier XAPK est de permettre de stocker séparément les données d'une application avant l'installation, afin de gérer et de transférer plus efficacement de grandes applications. XAPK peut contribuer à réduire la taille du package d'installation initial d'une application. Sur un téléphone, l'utilisateur doit généralement d'abord installer une application d'installation XAPK, puis installer le fichier XAPK via cette application. Vous pouvez trouver l'application spécifique à Sur un ordinateur, il suffit de faire glisser le fichier dans le LDPlayer émulateur Android.

Puis-je jouer à Balligh - Penjadwalan Khutbah sur mon ordinateur ?

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Oui, vous pouvez jouer à Balligh - Penjadwalan Khutbah sur votre ordinateur en installant un émulateur Android - LDPlayer. Après avoir installé LDPlayer, faites simplement glisser et déposez le fichier APK téléchargé dans l'émulateur pour commencer à jouer à Balligh - Penjadwalan Khutbah sur PC. Vous pouvez également ouvrir l'émulateur, rechercher le jeu ou l'application auquel vous souhaitez jouer dans le Play Store intégré à LDPlayer et l'installer à partir de là.